


Jordan Samek

Data Scientist
Forever Exploring

I am a Canadian based self-taught Data Scientist with a background in Biology & Computer Science. I am passionate about Data Science and Machine Learning. I'm fascinated with what machine learning can do and can't wait to keep exploring. Currently, I am focused on building data pipelines and automating them.

This is what I am doing right now

I am always looking to learn new things. I am currently working on a few projects related to MLOps and Machine Learning. At the same time I am actively on the lookout for remote internships which I can pursue in field of Data Science.

I am a strong advocate for open source and I am always interested in working on new projects with new people. Feel free to reach out if you have anything to talk about, you can reach me through Mail

Here you can see what I use on daily basis

About this site

Welcome to my home on the internet. This site functions as a blog/portfolio, a place to share code and thoughts. Opinions are my own.

I learnt how to build this site from the most awesome people in the community:


Data Analyst Intern  @  Quantium Analytics
April 2023 - May 2023
Conducted analysis on client transaction data to identify customer purchasing behaviour and generated targeted commercial recommendations for store strategy
Performed segmentation and clustering on customer purchasing data, as well as uplift modelling to identify benchmark stores to test the impact of trial store layouts on customer sales
Data Scientist  @  Region of Waterloo
October 2022 - March 2023
Created a data extraction pipeline to obtain water main break information from GeoJSON API and loads it into a SQL database and utilizes Prefect for cron scheduling.
Implemented feature engineering & advanced modelling techniques to predict water main break frequency.
Developed a Streamlit web app to visualize the results of the model and provide insights to the Region of Waterloo.